
3925 East Brundage Lane
Bakersfield, California 93307



Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get a quote or estimate for service on my car without going into the shop?

You will need to call (661) 321-9058 to book an appointment or to hear more about the services of Handley’s Auto Repair.

What type of vehicles do you service?

At Handley’s Auto Motive, we service all makes and models, both diesel and gas. For, fast quality repairs give us a call at (661) 321-9058.

Do you service breaks?

Yes, we provide brake inspection and full-service repair/replacement. Not sure if your breaks need replacing, schedule a break inspection today and keep you and your family safe on the road.

What is preventative maintenance and why is it important?

Preventative Maintenance is regular car maintenance that helps keep your car in check by identifying and correcting problems that can either leave you stranded or cost you a lot more money down the road if not addressed on time. At Handley’s Auto Repair Shop and more, we understand that a properly maintained car is safer, lasts longer, and has more resale value if you choose to sell it later. Preventative maintenance includes, but is not limited to: fixing windshield wipers, tune-ups, replacing distributor caps, rotors, spark plugs, AC, radio, changing your oil, and a host of other services that will prolong your car’s life span.

My Check Engine Light Is On.

A check engine light is an important tool that allows the car to inform a driver that something is not functioning at 100%. Behind each light is a code that details more information about why the light came on. Handley’s auto can read these codes and give you a detailed game plan on the severity of the issue and a game plan to fix it.